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The aelven name name for the Demigod of Thieves, Cheating, Politics and Persuasion.
The offspring of Dionus and Rhal, Aedan is the Patron of Thieves and Rouges. His colors are
burgundy, pink, and blue, and His metals are gold and silver.
A dwaerven term, adopted by the Naelen as well as many human factions, that
refers to the widely accepted practice of traveling abroad, either alone or in a group, to gain
experience and riches, with the free hand of a people blessed by the Aeglain. Bentuans call it
“far-fetching,” while the Maelgreh call it “wayfaring,” and aelves refer to it as “wandering.”
A word meaning “Day of Fire” in the Aelvae tongue, the 2
nd day of each week on the
Aelvae Calendar. Named for Aarn, the Elemental God of Fire and the Sun
The common name given to one of the hottest regions on Maera, a vast stretch of
rocky, open desert in the Burnt Lands of Maerisna.
The ancient dwaerven name for the elemental God of Fire, Volcanoes, Deserts, the Sun,
Destruction by Fire and Heat. Creator of Fire Lizards and Faersars. One of The Four Elemental
Gods of Maera. Aarn split into Paellos and Paellar after Gaedennon, known as the Twins of Fire,
to more efficiently facilitate the worship. Aarn’s colors are fire red, orange and yellow and His
metals are gold and brass. Aarn is perhaps the boldest of The Four Elemental Gods.
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